Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shooting Portraits with Available Light

Hey everybody!

Here's a few tips to help you with shooting portraits using available light.

- Use reflectors & diffusers to 'play' with available light. You can makde adjustments to get it just to your liking.

- Try stepping out of the shadows! Use full outdoor light and shoot at different times of the day to get different effects. Be sure you try to put the source behind your subject so they're not squinting.

- Set exposure to proper levels for your subject & don't worry about the rest. Who cares if you can't make out the pretty cloud formations in the background. Check out Ansel Adams work for a better idea of how this helps focus attention on what matters in the shot.

- If you're using a flash indoors, bounce it off something rather than firing straight at your subject. Also try stopping down the recommended flash and slow the shutter speed. this will allow more of that precious available light shine in.

So get out there & practice using these handy tips. You will see better results.

Thanks & Happy Shooting,

1 comment:

  1. Use reflectors & diffusers to 'play' with available light. You can makde adjustments to get it just to your liking. best photography schools

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