Monday, May 13, 2013

Is freelancing for you?

That's a good question.

Are you creative?
Do you like to be in more control?
Do you have the time available?
Are you flexible?
Have you ever run a business?
Do you want to make some extra money outside of your regular job?

These are just some of the serious questions you'll need to ask yourself before you spend too much time, effort and energy trying to get this type of work.

But if you do decide to try, there are many places where you can look for leads. Some are free. Some you have to pay for. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. No need to go into that here.

For a good source of free project leads, I recommend Here's a link you can use to sign up for a free account. You'll get e-mail notices when someone posts a job in the field you want to work in. Then it's up to you to put in a good bid. :-)

Check them out, then get started!

Freelance Jobs
Thanks for checking in & happy shooting!
PS..Please let me know if you ever have any questions or special topics you'd like to see me address. I'm happy to be of assistance! 

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