Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm Making My Way Back

A chilly greeting to all my photographer friends! It has been a while & I do apologize for the absence. Sadly, my father became ill suddenly and passed away in late October. I know he missed Mom terribly after she left us in February. It's been difficult getting used to the idea of not either Mom or Dad her for Christmas this year. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to a much better 2010 without all the personal distractions of the last year and a half.

I can tell you that I've been getting more involved with the youth center & it's really been a blast. Just being around the kids brings me an energy that is difficult to describe. I just feel younger myself. I'm also going to start working with Big Brothers & Big Sisters in January (as a big brother, of course). I see a lot of kids out there without a positive male role model in there life so I think there's something I can do to help. Look for updates and pics in future posts.

As you may have seen, our area got hit with a blizzard last week. Here's a few pics I took around my house. Let me know what you think of them.

Thanks & I'll see you back again soon,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Digital Photo Tips - Ideas for your next outing

Hello everyone,

Hard to believe that we're getting into the middle of September already. The time just keeps going faster & faster.

Lately, I've been doing some reading about macro photography and thought I'd suggest a possible subject to consider.

With fall just around the corner, the leaves will be changing soon. I'm going to try getting some macro shots of a leave in it's different phases of color change. Hope it turns out & I'll post the picts when I get them.

So that's your assignment (I know I never assigned you one) if you choose to accept it. Go out, find an interesting plant of any type and photography really close up, as it transitions into it's winter stage. Make sure your post your shots so we can learn from your work.

Well cheers for now & happy shooting,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Shutterstock Seeks Photographers!

Greetings and salutations fellow photo enthusiasts!

I truly hope the day finds you well and busy. It's hard to believe that summer is already starting to wind down. Soon the leaves will start to turn here and the kids will be back off to school. As much as I do love the fall season, there is a certain amount of meloncholy for me too. Probably something to do with thinking about all the things I didn't get done yet. I guess that's what New Year's resolutions are supposed to be for.

Anyways, the reason for my post today is to let you know about an opportunity for you to make some extra money with your photographs. A company called Shutterstock (I'm a member) is looking for new photographers to start contributing to their stock collection. So I thought I'd pass the word along in case you're interested. It doesn't cost anything to join and if they sell your work, you get a big chunk of the proceeds. It's that simple. Just follow this link to sign up for your FREE account and start making money.

Thanks for stopping by and as always, Happy Shooting!

PS...I'm still working on a couple new article with even more digital photo tips for you so be sure to stop back again soon and feel free to tell your friends too.

Great American Photo Contest

Monday, July 27, 2009

Studio Lighting Techniques Article

Howdy friends,

Great news! I just got notification that my latest article about digital photo tips was just approved for publication.

I think you'll really enjoy this one because it addresses some issues that a lot of people have problems with.

You can read my latest piece by clicking on the post title above.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't be afraid to let us know what exciting projects you're working on now.

Cheers & Happy Shooting!

If you considering upgrading your equipment, check out these specials at Amazon.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Studio Lighting Techniques - Upcoming Articles

Greetings All,

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Wow, the summer is sure flying by.

I just wanted to let you know that I have a new article coming out soon. This article will deal with studio lighting technique errors and easy ways you can correct them. Check back in a week to see if it's bee posted yet. I don't think it should be any longer then that.

Cheers & happy shooting!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shooting Portraits on Location

Greetings friends,

Hope the day finds you busy, healthy and in good spirits! Are you having opportunities to get out & take some pictures? Now is a busy season for weddings and graduations so you may be able to find some paying jobs.

I had an article published recently that deals with subject of shooting portraits on location instead of in a studio. Forget about studio lighting techniques, backdrops and all that other stuff. If you really want to tell your subject's story, I think you'll find it useful for many applications either working with friends and family or your business clients. Please click the title above to read this article. You're welcome to leave a comment if you'd care to share your thoughts. I always like to hear from my fellow photographers.

Thanks for stopping in and Happy Shooting!

Speaking of special occasions for photo opps, here's what's recommended on Amazon these days in case you need to bring a gift. They've got some great ideas for you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Subject Matter

Hi again everyone,

I'm in the process of setting up another series of articles dealing digital photography and I'd like your help.

If you would like, please post a reply indicating a subject or subjects you would like to learn more about.

Thanks for looking and happy shooting!

PS...What's your favorite cola? Click this link now to voice your opinion!

NationalSurveyPanel - Coke vs. Pepsi

PPS...Looking to upgrade your equipment? Check out these deals from Amazon that will help you next time you're on location.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Digital Photography Lighting Techniques

Hello Shutterbugs,

Here's another instructional video from my friend Amy Renfrey.

In this episode, Amy discusses how you can improve your indoor action shots with suggestions for getting more light in the scene. I think you will find this information very useful.

When you are ready to take your photography skills to the next level, try clicking on the links in the 'About Me' section to the right. Here you will find many more tips and tricks to help you take better pictures.

Thanks for stopping in and Happy Shooting!

Also, here's some equipment I would recommend if you're looking to upgrade your equipment.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Digital Photo Tips - Basic Studio Lighting Techniques

Greetings fellow photo enthusiasts,

Here's the link to another article that I published recently which explains what is necessary for setting up a basic studio photography lighting scene. If you click on the title, it will take you the article. I hope you will give it a read and find it useful.

If you would like more advanced information on how to take your skills to the next level, check out the links in the 'About Me' section.

Cheers and Happy Shooting!

Here is some of the equipment you will need for seting up a small home photo studio.

ScanCafe Photo Scanning - Free Trial

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little Off Topic - Golf Putting Drills

Hey everyone,

This doesn't have anything to do with photography off-hand but since golf is one of my favorite past-times, I thought you might be interested in this too.

If you're like me, the idea of taking a few stroke off a round is a nice idea. Who doesn't want to play better right? Here's a web site I found that really helped my game. My biggest problem was on the green, so the golf putting drills I learned made a big difference. Plus I'm also driving the ball straighter than I ever have. Definitely want to check this one out!

Cheer and Happy Shooting!

PS...I'm hoping to post another digital photography video lesson in the next couples days.

Understanding Histograms - Online Photography Lessons by Video

Hi everybody,

True to my promise, here's a great video by my friend Amy Refrey about using the histogram in digital photography. Amy explains why this feature is SO important to taking better pictures and give you some insight about how you can use this in your own work. Please enjoy the video and check out the links in my 'About Me' section for more great online photography lessons for the digital enthusiast. Happy shooting!

Also, here are some accessories I would recommend next time you are looking to add to your equipment.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Common Mistakes

Hey shutterbugs, Great American Photo Contest

What a beautiful day to take your camera out and see what you can find for an interesting subject!

You know there's some things we do photographers sometimes that can ruin the perfect shot. I had an article published recently that talks about these issues and what you can do to make sure they're not a problem for you. Please click on the title above to check it out.

Here's something to try next time you're bored. Just go outside (weather permitting) and find some odd looking plant or weed or bug. Then just set up and take shots from all angles. Try some different lenses and ways of emphasizing your subject. Even if you don't get any killer pictures, you will discover that even the most overlooked objects can be made very interesting with your photographer's eye.

You can can find more photography courses online and other digital photo tips at my web site.

Here are a few accessories you may want to consider adding to your camera gear.

NationalSurveyPanel - Coke vs. Pepsi

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Digital Photo Tips - Using Natural Light

Great American Photo Contest Hello again friends.

I hope this day finds you doing well. I can't believe it's almost June already! Where is this year going to anyways?

I recently wrote an article about why using natural light for your photos can really make a huge difference in the quality. In this piece, I dicuss how you can use this photography lighting technique to improve your images.

Please click the title above to read it. You can also check out my online photography lessons page for even more information. I'm hoping to get some videos posted soon so please check back often. Cheers and Happy Shooting!

Here are some accessories I would recommend for shooting with available light.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Shooting with Available Light

NationalSurveyPanel - Coke vs. Pepsi
Greetings Fellow Shutterbugs,

Have you ever wondered why it seems that some photos are kind of just 'blah' and yet there are those that leave with a feeling? What is it about those images that makes then so captivating?

Often it is because the photographer used only the available light for the shot.

If you would like to learn more about using available light, here is an article I wrote recently which explains how you can use this photography lighting technique to produce your own awesome pictures. I hope you enjoy it.

You can also take a look at my online photography lessons
page for more information and tips. Thanks for visiting and please check back soon for updates. Happy Shooting!

Here is what I would recommend for lenses for taking available light photos.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Digital Photo Tips

Here is another article I wrote to help photographers improve their skills.

This article will discuss different methods of subject emphasis through selective lighting. Highlighting your subject with this technique is one of your most powerful tools. As a photographer, you may have thought of light primarily from a technical viewpoint with regards to getting a proper exposure. Let's start thinking of light in a more creative manner....

You can read the entire piece by clicking the link above. Thanks and happy shooting!

If you have a digital camera that's collecting dust on the shelf, don't be afraid to put your creative juices to work. Check out the Internet for digital photography lessons and other photography courses online. You can find excellent courses for very reasonable prices. In these tutorials, you can find lots of great landscape photography tips, studio lighting techniques and much more in-depth information.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is the Aperture?

One of the most confusing settings for beginner photographers to get a grasp on is proper use of the aperture or f-stop settings. The biggest misconception is that aperture controls shutter speed or vice verse. If fact, the two work in concert to achieve the optimum exposure for your image. That should be the main goal of all your photos. How you choose to emphasize the your subject is a topic for other articles.

Check out my web site for more great digital photo tips!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Digital Photo Tips - How to use Framing to Emphasize Your Subject

Here's an article I wrote recently to help you take better pictures.

If you look before you shoot, you can find interesting ways to frame your subject. They are all around you. Framing is a nice change of pace if it's something you don't do it very often. Just be careful not to let your frame overpower the subject. For an extra dramatic effect, try to framing with another technique to emphasize your subject.

Check out the article to learn a simple but effective professional landscape photography tip.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Take Your Photography To The Next Level

If you feel that you should be taking better pictures, maybe it's time to 'hit the books' again so to speak.

I'm in the process of writing a series of articles with digital photo tips that you might find useful when working on your continuing education. Sometimes we get ourselves into a bit of a rut and need a something to get the juices flowing again. I'm going to be posting some instruction videos by my friend Amy Renfrey. She's another great photographer located in Australia. Plus Amy has some other excellent resources available to help you even more.

I hope you find this formation helpful.

Great American Photo Contest

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